Ill 英文
The team played poorly.
Ill 英文. Ill翻譯 不舒服的 生病的 不舒服的 壞的 壞的 惡劣的 壞 惡劣地 壞 傷害 問題 弊病 不好的 不合適的 i shall或 i will的縮略形式 了解更多. Espresso machines for ground coffee capsules and coffee pods. He was ill prepared. Scarcely or hardly.
An ill conceived plan 同義詞 badly poorly badly poorly with difficulty or inconvenience. The car runs badly. He performed badly on the exam. 也可以當副詞 例如 她從不說同事壞話 she never speaks ill of her colleagues.
Ill除了生病之外 還有 惡劣 糟糕 的意思 例如 惡事傳千里 ill news runs space. 英文經常無法用邏輯推理 像是單複數變化 動詞變化永遠有例外 填表格到底是 fill in 還是 fill out. Bad evil ill poor wicked. Ill 則是較為普遍用來形容生病的字 包括長期與短期 並且需要醫學或住院治療的生理疾病都可以用 ill 來表示 例如 sarah is ill in hospital with a chest infection.
See 和 look 都有 看 的意思 那 oversee 和 overl. Not feeling well or suffering from a disease. Enjoy gourmet espresso at home. Discover italian design and passion for coffee.
Ill is often used as a combining form in a poor or improper or unsatisfactory manner.